Monday, March 10, 2014

Back Into The School Groove

We were able to have school today in the Hodges home. The week before, the kids were sick and then I was sick last week. So, it felt good to be able to teach the kids today.

To help make Mondays better, I've decided to change some things around. I'm not sure if it helped because we still finished late. But, I think it was due to having a late start. I wanted the kids to get that extra hour that was lost yesterday. So, we'll see how the day will go tomorrow.

Nelly and I are still reading Girl Talk. I really love this book. It's encouraging (and challenging) me to talk to her about various issues like boys, beauty, and other things. It was a great time. During our time together, we enjoyed our favorite ice tea. We call it "Fake Me Out Ice Coffee". I called it that because it tasted a little like coffee, but I knew it was tea. Here's the tea recipe:

Fake Me Out Ice Coffee
1 bg of Bigleow' English Tea Time (or you can use Oolong tea)
1 bg of Celestial Seasonings Bengal Spice tea
1 tb of heavy cream
1 cup of almond milk

After we had our time together, we had dinner and then I let the kids run around outside. It was later than usual, but they were able to get some fresh air before going to bed.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Birthday Count Down...All The Way DOWN!

Things have been busy over here. But, in the midst of all of the business, TEA has still been brewing!! LOL

On Tuesday, during my time with my second oldest, we both enjoyed a nice cup of tea together. She had her's hot and I had mines nice and cold. Kayla had Bigelow's French Vanilla tea and I had my Creamy Peach Spice Tea again.

We have been reading A Girl After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth Elliot for the past couple of months now. It's been a good read for us. We've been enjoying reading it together.

Wednesday was Kayla and I's BIRTHDAY!!

Well, it was truly memorable. In fact, my early morning stomach pains reminded me of the labor pains I experienced when I was going into labor with Kayla. I was feeling HORRIBLE! I REALLY wanted to stay home. But, my birthday isn't just MINE any more, we had cupcakes for her classmates, my oldest had a report to do, there was no one to watch them, and so...Momma had to put on her BIG GIRL clothes and to get ready to head on out of the door! LOL

The kids were so helpful. I had one of the girls fix me a cup of Peppermint Tea to drink. It helped settle my stomach a little. Although I was in GREAT pain, it was worth it to see all of our friends at co-op. Kayla's friends all said "Happy Birthday" to her. I received handmade cards from the kids at co-op (even a group of teachers sang the "Happy Birthday" song to me). It was a great day. But, Momma could only "party" for so long because my stomach was still hurting!!

My sweet husband took us home early. Although the kiddos weren't too thrilled to have had to leave early, Momma was truly glad to head home to her bed.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Just Peachy

"Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others."
Philippians 2:3-4

It was a very busy day today. After coming off of a wonderful weekend, I was reminded that I also seem to have to "reprogram" not only my kids back into our normal routine, but I too have to get back into my mothering routine.

God has a "funny" way to remind us of His sweet word because JUST this morning during my devotional time, the Lord ministered to me through Philippians 2:3-4, of how we are to focus on other people's needs instead of our own and that we are to be servants to one another. Hmm, I don't think I was as quick to serve my sweet little ones today. It was easy to look to them to have it all together when in themselves, they can't.

Once that was revealed, by God's grace, I was able to extend more grace to them, and I asked and depended on the Lord for MORE grace! Whew! The blessings of motherhood. Those little ones truly are blessings.

In the midst of this crazy and hectic day, I was able to create two peach tea recipes. Here they are:

Creamy Peach Rooibos Tea
1 bg of Celestial Seasonings Country Peach Passion tea
1 bg of Twinning Pure Rooibos tea
1/2 cup of Plain Greek yogurt

I loved the creamy, yet sour taste it gave. The aroma from the peach tea brewing was amazing to smell!

During my Mother-Daughter time, Nelly and I had some tea. She drank some French Vanilla tea by Bigelow with Coffee-Mate's Peppermint Mocha creamer. She enjoyed it. I enjoyed this tea recipe! I think it'll also taste good cold too.

Cinnamon Peach Spice Tea
1 bg of Bengal Spice tea
1 bg of Country Peach Passion tea
1 tb of heavy cream
1/2 cup of almond milk

I added some Cool Whip (I know I said that I was going to stop. I thought to wait and see if Sam's club carry a bulk size of Reddi Whip. LOL). All in all, it made that hot tea taste even better! Enjoy!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

My Husband's Birthday Weekend!!

My husband's birthday was yesterday. Him and I wanted to use this weekend as a time for us to spend time alone without the kids. We dropped them off on Friday and from there, it was just him and I!! It's always nice to get alone with Matt. It helps us to really talk about our marriage and family. We did a "DIY Marriage Retreat" guide that was really helpful. I greatly encourage all couples to try this. We weren't able to finish it, but we hope to do it next week.

Along with all of the fun, romance, and excitement, I was still able to try some different tea flavors. As we were dropping the kids off, I tried a different blend with my basic Yogurt Tea mix. Here's the recipe:

Lemon-Rooibos Tea
1/2 cup of Plain Greek yogurt

Then we went to the THRIFT STORE!! I'm always on the look out for a nice coffee mug. It's amazing of how there are SO MANY coffee mugs at the thrift store! I mean, why spend a lot of money when you could find plenty at the thrift store for under a buck?! I found four white porcelain mugs. I plan to decorate them. So, look for that post once they are done. I hope to start Lord willing, tomorrow night. Here's what I found.

We had dinner at the Olive Garden. I confess, I was tickled when the waiter brought out the tea box. If it were up to me, I would of had him stand there a long time so that I could look at the different teas that they had, but of course, I couldn't do that. LOL I tried their green tea. You know?! Green tea has a specific taste that isn't too strong, but yet can be. I know that probably didn't make sense. LOL As always, I added some cream to it. Psst! I've never had tea without creamer. That just isn't my CUP OF TEA!! (wink) LOL

Then on my husband's big day, we got all dressed up (I even got my NAILS done!) and had dinner at Sullivan's Restaurant. Believe me, it was just a one time thing. But, it was still nice to do something different. The last time that we went all out like that was in 2000 and that was on our WEDDING DAY! LOL Believe me, I'm not mad. It just goes to show how the blessing of ministry and family can take up all of your time that you don't really worry about doing things like that. It's so good to be fulfilled in Christ! 

I ordered some tea. They also had a box of tea (good thing I got some "experience" at the Olive Garden). When she brought the box...I must confess, I REALLY wanted to study it. They had some VERY interesting tea flavors. I could tell that they were truly the "good kind". But, my poor waitress didn't seem to be willing to stand so long holding it. LOL So, I picked a Cinnamon Spice flavor and added cream and sweetener to it. It made it taste really good.

All in all, we had a great time. It's always nice to spend time together alone as a couple. I'm so thankful!!