Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Glue Blues!

The winter tea display is coming along great! I confess, I have to learn to be patient with the process. Since spray paint has to cure for 24 hours, I can't do anything else until the things that I had spray painted is fully dry. But, in the meantime, I've been able to start arranging things on the display. Here are some of the pictures.

 I spray painted the candlesticks an aqua blue.

 Then I sprayed "snow" on the bottom of them.

 I love this holder. When I saw it on Pinterest, I wanted to try it for this display. But, I didn't think that it would be hard to get the bowls to stay in a tilted position. It was truly giving me the blues!!

 I spray painted some boxes. I confess, spray painting boxes to cover up all the writing has been hard! 

 Here are my cute little houses. I sprayed "snow" on them.

Here's an updated look. I still have more things to do with it.

Friday, November 28, 2014

My New Tea Thing

I remember finding out about this particular drink from this blog. I wasn't interested in trying it when I first found it. Until lately. I've been using my Java Tea from Guayaki and added about a half of cup of Almond milk. It's been a great morning drink. Here's my recipe.

Milk Tea
1/2 cup of brewed tea (any flavor) I used Mate tea.
1/2 cup of almond milk
a sweetener

Mix them together and enjoy!

A Nice Way To Relax...Doing Crafts!!

My Tea Boxes

The "Snow"

Lady Teapot's New Look!

I renamed the houses.

I spray painted the candlesticks and boxes aqua blue. 

I look forward to finishing up the crafts tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

My Winter Tea Display Is On The Way!!

Since I've been working on my Thanksgiving crafts, I couldn't help but to want to start gathering the craft supplies that I've been saving up to change my tea section from the fall season look to a winter season look. I bought supplies from Dollar Tree and I found some really cute stuff from the Thrift store. Here are some of the supplies:

 I found these cute house storage bins!

 One of the roof tops were broken. 

 But, I was able to glue it back together.

 I couldn't believe that someone gave these cuties away!! I can't wait to use these. Aren't they CUTE!!?

My "snow"!!

I glued it onto the shelf lining.

I plan on putting my display together right after Thanksgiving. I'm so excited. LOL

Monday, November 24, 2014

Homemade Coffee Creamer Recipes

White Chocolate Raspberry Creamer

1 cup of Raspberry tea
1/2 cup of Vanilla chocolate chips
1/4 cup of half and half
2 cups of Almond milk

1. Brew the tea and then remove the tea bag.
2. Pour in the vanilla chips.
3. Once the chips have melted, add the half and half.
4. Once it has cooled, pour the mixture and almond milk into a jar and place in the fridge.

Butterscotch Ginger Creamer

1/2 cup of butterscotch chips
1 cup half and half
1 tbsp of ground ginger
2 cups of Almond milk

Pour milk, chips, and ginger into the pot and melt. Cool. Then pour the almond milk in with the mixture. Then pour into a jar.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Milk Tea & Protein Ice Cubes

Milk tea has become my new favorite morning drink. Here's my recipe:

1/2 cup of brewed tea (any flavor)
1/2 cup of almond milk

Mix them together and enjoy!

I tried the new ice craze. You know, pouring coffee into ice trays and then putting it in your cup with milk? If not, here's an example of what I'm writing about. Of course I tried tea. Hmm, I wasn't feeling it. I didn't like tasting more of the almond milk and less of the tea.

Then I tried to reverse it. I tried to freeze the CREAMER and put it in my tea. But, the milk curd. Boo! I hate seeing curd milk in my drink. The way it looks just changes my mood to enjoy the tea.

So, I plan on trying to add coffee syrup with protein shake. Okay, why do I want to do that? I guess it'll work both ways for me. It'll be tasty and a bit "healthy". So, we'll see how it'll turn out.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

A Wanna Be Ice Coffee - But It's TEA!!

I confess, I LOVE to have cream in my tea. I just love the creamy taste. If I lived in England, I probably would fit in well for Tea Time. LOL

But, let's face it! Whenever you go into popular food restaurants, they don't serve CREAMY ICE TEA. What do they serve? Yup! Ice Coffee. So, whenever I have a taste for a nice, flavorful, and creamy drink, I have to get ice coffee.

I'm so glad that I can have a tea version of it. Here's my "Wanna Be Ice Coffee" recipe:

1 cup of Java Mate tea
1/4 cup of half and half
1/4 cup of your favorite coffee syrup flavor.

Mix all together, add ice, and enjoy!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Morning Tea Drinks

I'm slowly trying to pull away from always drinking my tea with creamer in it. I confess, I LOVE cream in my tea. But...the creamers haven't been good to my body. Meaning, it's probably been the cause of some weight gain. Boo!

So, I posted on Facebook some suggestions as to how I can still have that creamy taste without all of the added calories. I think I've found a winner. I'll share in a later post.

I've also begun drinking cold tea in place of orange juice or some other type of cold beverage. So far, it's been really great. It feels like a nice replacement for high sugared orange juice. Here's a recipe that I found on this website. It's supposed to be an "Energy Drink". I confess, I don't feel a difference. But, I love the taste. Try it out if you're looking for a nice orange juice replacement.