Sunday, December 21, 2014

Dry Creamy Chai Mix & Sweet, Creamy, Caramel Chai Tea

I'm thankful that when and if I'm near a Duncan Doughnut, Starbucks or Panera Bread, I can get a nice cup of Vanilla Chai tea. I love how creamy and sweet their chai teas are. But, whenever I tried to make a cup at home, it would NEVER taste the same. Some tea drinkers told me that most of the shops use a concentrated version. Okay, I get that. But, I didn't want to use one. It just feels "cheap" to me. LOL

So, I decided to use some of the chai recipes that I found on Pinterest. I first tried one similar to this one. It wasn't spicy enough. So, I found this one. It included some of the same ingredients as the first, only it included allspice and white pepper in their recipe. I confess, I thought adding white pepper would give it the heat that I wanted. Not!! LOL

When I made the chai tea mix, I didn't have any unsweetened tea mix. So, I omitted it from the recipe. You can pretty much say that I just made a creamer. From now on, I'll just call it my Sweeten Creamy Chai Creamer. Here's the recipe:

1 cup nonfat dry milk powder
1 cup powdered non-dairy creamer
1 cup French Vanilla flavored powdered non-dairy creamer
3 cups of Splendor
1 tablespoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground cardamom
1 teaspoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon allspice
1/4 white pepper

When my husband and I came home after doing some Christmas shopping, I had a taste for some tea with my creamer mix, but I thought to brew some of Bigelow's Caramel Chai tea to put the mix in. I also thought to add a tablespoon of caramel coffee syrup. Wow! It had a caramel, sweet, and creamy taste.

I still didn't get a nice heat after every sip (other than the temperature), but it was close. Today, I fixed Good Earth's Sweet and Spicy and mixed the Chai creamer in it. It tasted great! If you are looking to try some new flavored Chai teas, try these:

Sweet Creamy Caramel Chai Tea:

3 teaspoons of the Chai creamer
1 cup of Bigelow's Caramel Chai tea
1 Tbsp of Caramel coffee syrup
1/4 cup of half and half

Mix and enjoy.

Spicy Creamy Caramel Chai Tea

3 teaspoons of the Chai creamer
1 cup of Good Earth's Sweet & Spicy tea
1 Tbsp of Caramel coffee syrup
1/4 cup of half and half

Mix and enjoy.

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