Thursday, January 10, 2019

Happy New Year

It's a new year. I love writing about my tea experiences. I love drinking it, making up tea recipes, creating crafts inspired by tea, trying/buying tea products, and so much more! I love tea so much that I like to say that I "be TRIPPIN" (crazy silly about it). 😊

So, join me in my Tea Tripping experiences.

Matcha Latte

We had a laid back day today. It felt good to rest not having to go anywhere. I'm really trying to drink more water. So, I purposely chose to not have any tea until I dranked plenty of water. If left up to me, I'd drink tea all day. 😍

I finally was able to try a pack of matcha tea that a sweet friend gave as a Christmas gift. It was good. I confess that I really love the creamy green color. I added protein milk. It was nice and creamy.