Thursday, March 6, 2014

Birthday Count Down...All The Way DOWN!

Things have been busy over here. But, in the midst of all of the business, TEA has still been brewing!! LOL

On Tuesday, during my time with my second oldest, we both enjoyed a nice cup of tea together. She had her's hot and I had mines nice and cold. Kayla had Bigelow's French Vanilla tea and I had my Creamy Peach Spice Tea again.

We have been reading A Girl After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth Elliot for the past couple of months now. It's been a good read for us. We've been enjoying reading it together.

Wednesday was Kayla and I's BIRTHDAY!!

Well, it was truly memorable. In fact, my early morning stomach pains reminded me of the labor pains I experienced when I was going into labor with Kayla. I was feeling HORRIBLE! I REALLY wanted to stay home. But, my birthday isn't just MINE any more, we had cupcakes for her classmates, my oldest had a report to do, there was no one to watch them, and so...Momma had to put on her BIG GIRL clothes and to get ready to head on out of the door! LOL

The kids were so helpful. I had one of the girls fix me a cup of Peppermint Tea to drink. It helped settle my stomach a little. Although I was in GREAT pain, it was worth it to see all of our friends at co-op. Kayla's friends all said "Happy Birthday" to her. I received handmade cards from the kids at co-op (even a group of teachers sang the "Happy Birthday" song to me). It was a great day. But, Momma could only "party" for so long because my stomach was still hurting!!

My sweet husband took us home early. Although the kiddos weren't too thrilled to have had to leave early, Momma was truly glad to head home to her bed.

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