Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Glue Blues!

The winter tea display is coming along great! I confess, I have to learn to be patient with the process. Since spray paint has to cure for 24 hours, I can't do anything else until the things that I had spray painted is fully dry. But, in the meantime, I've been able to start arranging things on the display. Here are some of the pictures.

 I spray painted the candlesticks an aqua blue.

 Then I sprayed "snow" on the bottom of them.

 I love this holder. When I saw it on Pinterest, I wanted to try it for this display. But, I didn't think that it would be hard to get the bowls to stay in a tilted position. It was truly giving me the blues!!

 I spray painted some boxes. I confess, spray painting boxes to cover up all the writing has been hard! 

 Here are my cute little houses. I sprayed "snow" on them.

Here's an updated look. I still have more things to do with it.